Warwick Soccer Club – PO Box 140, Warwick, NY 10990

WSC Board of Directors

Board of Directors

President: Mike Fitzgerald | [email protected]

1st Vice President / Treasurer: Brian Larkin | [email protected]

2nd Vice President / Concessions: Sharon Burton | [email protected]

Registration: Christina Lopez | [email protected]

Secretary: Mandy Blanton | [email protected]

Trustee Anthony Monti / Director of Training / Sponsors | [email protected]

Trustee: Karen Bess / Communications / Technology | [email protected]

Trustee: Lisa Ellsworth / Referees | [email protected]

Trustee: Chris Pope / Travel Coordinator | [email protected]

Trustee: Ashlee Cartwright / Rec Coordinator | [email protected]

Trustee: Davis Lopez / Field Maintenance | [email protected]